Baptist  Church
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Prayer Ministries
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.” Philippians 4:6,7

At Greenville Baptist Church, we believe as American Baptists, that we are to grow in our personal relationship with God through prayer. The Lord’s Prayer is part of every service.

We also know that one way we show that we love one another is by praying for each other. We pray for individuals, our church, our community, country, and the world during our services. We encourage each other to ask for prayer for ourselves and others whenever needed.

Many opportunities exist to offer up your prayer time in service to others. All who feel called to this ministry are welcome to join our prayer team in praying!

  • Pray for others in the comfort and quiet of your home.
  • Meet people for prayer time at church.
  • Call someone who has requested personal prayer and pray with them over the phone.
  • You might want even want to be one who prays with those in need of personal prayer at the end of our Sunday services one day.
  • Be part of our prayer shawl ministry. Knit or crochet shawls as you pray for the individual who will receive it. We often wrap recipients in their new shawl in church and pray over them.
  • Our Ministry of Christian Caregiving writes cards, prays, and visits the sick or shut-ins. Are you called to this ministry?
  • Soups in our food ministry are delivered with a written prayer card. Would you like to write personal prayers?
  • Join in the planning and construction of our soon-to-be community garden and prayer labyrinth. This will open a prayer walk for our congregation and nearby community!
  • Be part of our outreach team and serve at the prayer tent outside our church building or out in our community to offer to pray with those in need.

Prayer is a priority at Greenville Baptist Church. Send your prayer requests or volunteer to help with our prayer ministry at
Pray @
All prayers will be lifted. All volunteers are welcome to join us in prayer.
For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.  Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. Jeremiah 29:11-12